Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's about time

I've been periodically choked up over the past few months when thinking about the impact of this election. Ella Rae, my sweet six year old girl asked me yesterday "why is it so important to vote?" After a confusing answer about democracy and freedom my eyes began to sting and I squeaked out, "if Barack Obama wins then it will mean that our country is getting better." She hugged me and said, "don't be sad Mama." I then delivered a very confusing and tearful diatribe about equal rights, racism and how sometimes you cry when you are happy.

Calisphere, created by the University of California is a good resource to help develop less confusing answers to complex questions regarding race and culture. This
overview of the African American experience in California from the gold rush era to the present is a good place to start on this historic election day.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great resource. Calisphere is amazing!

Marie said...

I agree - I sent Carmelo the link for Calisphere - just what he needs in the classroom. And what a historic day!! Yay!!!!