Friday, December 12, 2008

Donut Party

If I stand very still outside the door of Ella and Cy's bedroom after "lights out" I may catch a snippet of a scintillating conversation. On one such occasion the popular topic of Birthday Parties was being discussed. Cy, continually carb obsessed, expressed his interest in a Bagel Party. Ella was unsure about the bagels but was certain that she would be in charge of opening his presents.

So in the days and weeks to come we got to talking about Cy's 3rd Birthday Party and bagels and circles and other things that are round, like pizza and Frisbee's and Cheerios and DONUTS!!!! Bagels were soon usurped by donuts as the central theme.

Voila! Donut Birthday party featuring....

Birthday Boy and DIY Donuts

Good friends and beverages



Requisite Pinata

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