Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Rock On

Asked, "Now what does Mr What Mookie Thinks do for work?" Answer, "Um, he writes about man toys and more serious stuff too." Last month he wrote outdoor speaker reviews for the July 2008 issue of Wired Magazine.

Neighbors forewarned he went to work. Like bee's to honey -- men came buzzing toward the house. Obscure musical tastes usurped by Led Zeppelin -- "Hey, hey, mama, said the way you move....", the boy-man anthem played, the volume increased, balls came out of hiding (bocce, wiffle), Big and Li'l Mr Mookie Thinks were in their element.

Deadline complete -- on to the more serious stuff, Toxic Ten List Targets U.S. Companies on Matternetwork.com.

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Old Oak Tree

The big storm last week took some major branches off the cherished oak tree. This one missed my office by a hair. We consider ourselves lucky compared to some of our neighbors that had limbs come through their windows.

Cy and Sam

This is Cy's new best friend Sam. Sam is older than Cy by 1 year. Cy can't believe his good fortune to have an older boy to play with. Sam's stash of tractors, trucks, trains and swords doesn't hurt either.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Personal Pet Portraits

We love our pets! According to an article on MSNBC, "Two-thirds of American households (about 71.1 million) have at least one pet. That number was an increase from the 56 percent of households that owned a pet in 1988." I know our family is desperate to add a dog to the mix but the time and costs prove prohibitive right now. Sigh.... Atleast we can continue our cat obsession with portraits of Mookie and Zito. Check out all the personal pet portrait options on Etsy.com.