If only they could talk....
"I love you, I love you, I love you... sshhh.. stop yelling my name.. and dragging me around by the collar... and teasing me with your chips and cookies... and putting that dumb hat on my head... and yelling my name... and chasing me and pulling my tail and ears... and hiding my toys and hiding your toys and... I love you, I love you..." Sophie Jones, Oriental, North Carolina
"Okay buddy, one more tow around the pool and then I need to get back to guarding my ball."
Boo Ridley, Tuscon, Arizona
"You must all stay together now! Wa..it...WAIT... not that way, all in a big pack together! Get back to the heard YOU.... Come back HERE... no... no... not like that... together in a nice, neat pack... NO, NO... together..." Coco Hartley, Pleasanton, California
"Time to put down the margarita and rub my belly!"
Pablo Papa, San Diego, California