Sunday, May 16, 2010

Still here

This is the longest I've lived in one place since I left Orange County for Chico in 1989. The gypsy in me pines for change but another part is beginning to mentally unpack and appreciate the stability and the subtle rhythms that come with it. The habit of maintaining this blog also helps me observe the simple details of this uncomplicated chapter of our lives.

Maybe this realization has to do with...

...harvesting caterpillars from the community garden...
...or harvesting limestone rocks for the front yard...

or finding the final resting place for our dear sotol...
or the small plantings looking less small.
...or replacing scheduled play dates with neighborhood free-for-alls.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Spring Themes

Fiddles. Wildflowers. Sea beans and monk fish. Digging in the yard. Cocktails on the porch. Friday night soccer. My lovely mom. Being a mom. Dates! Dreaming of New Orleans and Buenos Aires and Uruguay and San Onofre Beach. Fennel munching caterpillars. Kindergartners. Cake. Construction paper. Spa Django. Goya tapestries. Roasted Quail. Little boy sings songs. Flank steak with kimchi. Sparkly ring and owl box. Rediscovering paint. Summer camp coming. Thyme. The Donkeys. Glitter. Skateboards. Dallas. Mosquitoes. Sore Muscles. Board games. Clean sheets.

trail walk with grandma liz

favorite femmes
bug castle

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Fairy Dust

My fairy friend flew into town this weekend and sprinkled her magic on all the things that matter most. This is her way -- she impacts big things like developing drugs to end malaria and non-profit pharmaceuticals that will bring medical solutions to women and children -- and smaller things like helping people find focus and direction their lives. It is difficult to articulate how much I love and miss her. Fortunately she has a transcendent laugh and a Buddha smile that stays with me long after she's flown away.

Thank you M for your generosity, wisdom and easy like Sunday morning companionship.

m and her enchanted cabana