Teachers flock to the coveted Central Austin schools for jobs, so I feel blessed to be working at Gullett Elementary this fall with the beloved veteran teacher (Mrs B). She'll be retiring in December and I will take charge of our spirited kindergarten class.
Mrs B made the video below to welcome our ducklings to school. She was the first to discover Gully, the school cat, and incorporate him into the culture. I am sure Mookie minds sharing the spotlight. It is also posted on our class blog.
This post would not be complete without a shout out to all those that supported me through this career change. Namely....
CJ, my partner in most everything -- without whom this endeavour would have never been possible.
Grandaddy Ridley, who as legend has it, taught in a one-room schoolhouse at the age of 14 and instilled the importance of sharing knowledge and inspiration.
My Mom, for so much and this too.
My Dad, who always encouraged altruism for me and my career.
Marie, Roberta, Larry and Lisa, who said "why not" at just the right time and then treated me to something special to take the edge off.
Kim N., for leading the way and for reminding me to "put my big girl panties on" when things get rough.
Alyson, who made it look fun way back when.
gully the school cat w/ mrs b providing the voice over