The Napoleon complex has also gained momentum at home. He likes to lord around, grumbling orders. He also tries to work in conversations about wieners whenever possible. When left to his own devices he makes large-scale, trailing messes and then denies they are his when it comes time to clean up. Mookie gets blamed for much of his havoc. That leads me to the other crank in the Jones family right now, Mookie, or as Cyrus has taken to calling him at times, Dookie.
Mookie and Zito turn nine this month. Mookie is showing his age. He's lost much of his girth and his signature meow has changed from a resounding wail to a rusty whine that humors passersby but breaks my heart a little bit every time I hear it. He has not lost his swagger however. He must be let out of the house before 7 am or he'll start marking his territory indoors. He has the perimeter of our property thoroughly guarded from invaders with his scent. Our neighbor Herm, bought an enormous water gun to keep him away from his new kittens. I was wondering why Mookie sometimes returns home wet.
Zito on the other hand, who has maintained his girlish figure all these years and keeps away from potential confrontations at all times, looks and acts like a youngish cat. He has taken to riding around on Chris' shoulders whenever the opportunity presents itself. I've never met a cat more enamoured with a person. Zito sits near or on Chris as he works on his computer and stares at him with the most longing look you ever did see on a cat face. Perhaps they were lovers in a past life.
Both cats long to sleep on our bed and I have a hard time denying them the luxury. Cy likes nothing more than to find Mookie or Zito in a state of repose, so that he can establish a firm grasp for transport or give them a vigorous round of kisses. Mookie and Zito like nothing less. They often seek the peace and seclusion of Ella's bunk, where they are generally left alone or receive the gentlest pets from their mistress.
lovable crank #1
lovable crank #2

lovable crank #1