Cy's much anticipated developmental leap provided ample opportunity for Ella and I to practice patience on our recent trip to California. Like when he squirmed away and climbed under a strangers stall during our layover in San Diego or his scary potty themed fever dreams that required some pretend janitorial services in addition to Tylenol and a cold cloth to calm him down. Or the insistence of going to the bathroom minutes before the plane took off and the subsequent stalling tactics used to stay in said lavatory. Ella and I have learned that Cy means business when he sees a "pee pee tree" and/or bush that requires his attention. The alternative is much worse. We are still getting used to a boy person in our lives. Our trip was trying at times but mostly joyful and we already deeply miss our West Coast beloveds. Here are some highlights....
The Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park is a must see. Here is a picture of Ella and her favorite person (and cousin) Zach in front of the penguin exhibit. The new Academy has a phenomenal aquarium, planetarium and a"living roof." The bathroom has a built in step stool for easy access to the sink for the short folk and good soap but the industrial strength greeny air dryers are way too intimidating for a newbie like Cy.
The loo at the Lutheran church where we proudly watched Zach's piano recital was a hit. The toilet was silent but I can't say the same for Cy. See pictures of Zachary playing flawlessly and taking a bow.
Thanks, Ella. The bunk was great! Hope you enjoy the Super Bowl Champion Pittsburgh Steelers dancing doll.
Yeahhh! No more diaper bags...
I miss California too :)
congratulations! Sounds like life will be an ongoing adventure with Cyrus around.
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