Friday, September 19, 2008

When can you play with me?

This is number 4 on my shout out list. Fellow Austin blogger happythings channels my exact sentiment this week. I've copied and pasted her entry & photo here...

Bea wants me to play with her.

Not now -- because she's sleeping. But the rest of the time. For the record, taking her places - kiddie classes, field trips, parks, or shopping -- does not count. Cooking together does not count. Reading kind of counts, but not really. Doing "lessons" about letters or science experiments does not seem to count. Buying more toys for her to play with herself definitely does not count, not for long anyway. Watching shows together is desired but still does not count. Time spent doing adults chores, even those for her benefit, counts negatively. Playdates with other kids do not even count. Argh.

This is all to be expected. It should actually be appreciated and desired by a person in the right frame of mind. I know, I know. This little problem does not amount to a bean (definitely not a hill of beans) in our world full of problems. I know. And yet, tonight, I am tapped out and I send up a prayer for patience to play.

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