I've come across three opportunities to pledge myself to becoming a more conscious consumer. Although I love the idea of wearing only refashioned garments I'm pretty sure I'll be more successful with both job interviews and my long term efforts to be green by sticking to less extreme measures. Where as buying Handmade is fun and the stuff out there is so unique that I can't see this pledge being much of a problem. I hope my Dad likes handmade soap. I am also up for 9 of the 10 first steps outlined in the EcoMom challenge. Number 7 just won't work -- the stuff Cy and Ella get on their clothes would never come out with out hot water.
Wardrobe Refashion Pledge: “I pledge that I shall refashion, renovate, recycle preloved items for myself for the term of my contract…..” Pledge Handmade: Consider buying Handmade for the holiday season as well as for all of the gizzilion house warming, birthday’s gifts etc. There are some interesting links about conscious consumerism on this site as well. As you know I'm a huge fan of Etsy.com for all things handmade.
EcoMom Challenge: Join eco celebrity Mom’s, such as Robin Wright Penn by taking this pledge. The first 10 steps include:
1. Change a light. If every household in America changed out just 5 light bulbs to energy efficient CFL's it would be equivalent to taking 8 million cars off the road.
2. Drive More Efficiently: Car pool, don't idle during drop off and pick up, drive a hybrid and drive less. If we each drove just 10 mile less per week, it would save 20 billion pounds of CO2 - and you'll find more time in your day.
3. Shop local, fair trade and organic. Most food travels an average of 1,200 miles before it reaches your table, so by walking down to your local farmer's market, you'll not only reduce fossil fuel waste, you might also reduce your own waist.
4. Use non toxic products for cleaning, bathing, even make-up and you'll protect the environment as well as reduce you and your family's risk of disease.
5. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Cutting down on garbage by just 10% can save 1,200 pounds of CO2 and you'll have less junk around the house!
6. Turn off and unplug electronic devices and you'll reduce your exposure to electromagnetic radiation, and save on energy and CO2 emissions. You can also start having dinner by candlelight, which your kids, and your partner, will love!
7. Re-think your laundry plan! A favorite of many EcoMoms. Doing less, using cold water and line drying when possible you can save over 500 pounds of CO2 and over $600 per year.
8. Plant a Tree. Or any plant. Just bring more green into your life. This is a great activity to do with your kids to mark special occasions. Over the course of its lifetime, a single tree can absorb one ton of carbon dioxide. Go organic if you can and avoid those nasty pesticides.
9. Buy carbon offsets and reduce mom guilt, like the SUV you still have. Offsets are kind of like eating too many brownies one day and jogging extra the next. For more information you can visit www.nativeenergy.com.
10. Play more. This will be your child's favorite, and hopefully yours too. In today's world, it is easy to get so busy that you forget to take time to connect and play with the people you love, and to do things that feed your mind, body and spirit. So do things that make you feel healthy, good and thriving. It's all connected. Sustain your Home, Sustain Your Planet and Sustain Your Self. You're on your way to being an EcoMom!