How many water snobs do you know? Three out of four qualify in my household. The Raw Facts page on Simplesteps.org reminded me to reconsider our perception of drinking water. Is it tap time? And I don't mean the brew. I'm drinking a cool glass of Austin Water Utility (AWU) right now and it is not too bad. The city claims that it is safe to drink. I think this requires more research. I do so like the stylish reusable bottles on the market.
I got a stylish SIGG water bottle as a gift. Not only is it reusable for years to come, but it doesn't pick up or give off any gross aftertastes. Plus, I can take a nice jug of wine to work with me!
I got a stylish SIGG water bottle as a gift. Not only is it reusable for years to come, it doesn't pick up or give off any gross aftertastes. Also, it doubles as a handy wine flask...
I got some non toxic, reusable ,bottles from Wheatsville and they have a water machine out front that fills them for mere pennies. Also, you can additionally filter your home water. After all, NYC has wonderful tap water and I feel really guilty for using all the plastic jugs I have emptied for years now, it's a good thing I am making that catamaran from them.
I got some non toxic, reusable, bottles from Wheatsville and they have a water machine out front that fills them for mere pennies. Also, you can additionally filter your home water. After all, NYC has wonderful tap water and I feel really guilty for using all the plastic jugs I have emptied for years now, it's a good thing I am making that catamaran from them.
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